UX Designer, UI Designer


Agile Design, Google Venture Design Sprint, Ideation, Sketching, Storyboarding, High Fidelity Mockups, Prototyping, & Usability Testing



5 Day Design Sprint


I was given a challenge brief and was brought on by PostUp to work on the flow for this particular problem using the Google Ventures Design Sprint. The research was already finished and presented to me.

The research presented showed that remote workers find that it takes too much time to find a quiet and reasonable place to work in between meetings that are nearby their location, especially when they are in spaces that aren’t local or familiar to them. They want to find a place that isn’t too crowded with amenities such as wifi, outlets, and bathrooms. Users shared that It would be nice to look through photos to see what kind of space it is. Food and drinks are considered a bonus.


Remote workers need a way to find spaces to work quickly.


  • Must be a mobile app for on-the-go workers.

  • Workspaces must already exist.

  • PostUp would like to charge a monthly subscription fee to users for access to information.


PostUp will provide a mobile app that will provide a list of places for remote workers to choose from based on specific needs and distance from their current location. It will also suggest recommended places as well as directions from their location to the workspace they choose. Within the app, they will be able to see reviews from other users as well as photos of the space provided by other users.


Common Themes based on Research

  • Good WiFi

  • Quiet enough for calls

  • Not too crowded

  • Good food and coffee a bonus

  • Outlets, bathrooms.

  • Likes to see what it looks like online before seeing it in person

How Might We Problem Statements

  • provide remote workers with a list of work space options based on their preferences?

  • find work spaces close and convenient enough for remote workers to go? 

  • provide remote workers with enough information and visuals to help them decide the best work space for their needs?



All sketches and lightning demo information can be found below.

  • Based on the challenge brief that was provided, the first thing I did was create an end to end user map to help get to know what process made the most sense for the user.

  • I started to look into different platforms remote workers used to find places to work with lightning demos. I compared Google, Airbnb, and Giggster.

    As a lone designer, I did my own version of Crazy 8s, sketching different solutions. Once I decided on the best “idea” among the 8, I made my solution sketch.

  • From my solution sketch, I started putting together a storyboard to help organize my ideas.

  • Using Figma, I put together the flow based on the storyboard. There were a few screens that I changed a little on the prototype such as removing the bottom navigation bar.

  • On Day 5, I did usability testing of the prototype with 5 different participants. Based on feedback, I made a few changes to the prototype.

Lightning Demos

  • Reviews are accessible.

  • User can filter searches.

  • Users can also access photos by other users.

  • Icons for different amenities.

  • User has ability to preschedule bookings.

  • Reviews are accessible for users and hosts.

  • UI looks great.

  • Event spaces are categorized by need.

  • Suggested spaces based on need.

  • Price point is visible before opening more information.

Try it out!

Usability Test Scenario:

You are coming out with a few coworkers after a morning meeting in a new location, and you need to continue discussing. You need to find a space that has WiFi to continue working on a project, but also need to have something to eat. You open the PostUp app to try and find a workspace.

Before and After Usability Testing

Before Usability Testing:

  • Check marks all came up when one checkbox was clicked.

  • There were too many clicks on areas that were not functioning.

Screens After Usability Testing

  • More screens were added to show the flow with the check marks.

  • Overlay with a notification saying that the function was not part of the test.

Future Steps

  • Add screens for the menu items - account, my favorites, etc

  • Usability Testing for reiterations.

  • Premium Feature: PostUp can partner with some spaces so that their users can reserve a spot to work.


  • Working on a Design Sprint by yourself can be really challenging - it seems best to work on a Design Sprint with a team.

  • There are many ways to solve a problem - it is really important to focus on one when you only have a limited amount of time to work.


Thank you!


Push & Pals | Mobile App